Sherwood Pictures Top Films

Sherwood Pictures’ Top Films
  • Facing the Giants (2006)

    Sherwood's second feature tells the story of a failing high school football coach who turns to God to help save his team (and his life).

    Budget: $100,000

    Box office: $10.2 million

  • Flywheel (2003)

    Sherwood's first full-length feature stars writer-producer-director Alex Kendrick as a crooked car dealer who decides to become Christian and mend his ways.

    Budget: $20,000

    DVD unit sales: 350,000

  • Fireproof (2008)

    Kirk Cameron played a troubled firefighter in Sherwood's biggest third feature. A book based on the film sold 4 million copies.

    Budget: $500,000

    Box office: $33.5 million

  • Courageous (2011)

    The company's most recent film follows the stories of four police officers as they struggle with their faith through various crises.

    Budget: $2 million

    Box office: $16.2 million through Oct. 9.


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