Hollywood Casting Agent and Convicted Child Molester Arrested, Held on Sex Offender Registry Charges

A convicted child molester who has spent recent years as a Hollywood casting agent was arrested and released Friday on suspicion of violating sex offender registry laws.

Los Angeles county prosecutors charged Jason James Murphy, 35, with failure to file a name change and a change of address. Murphy had been working under the name “Jason James” but did not list that information in the “Megan’s Law” sex offender registry, which is required by law, according to sheriff’s officials in a news release.

The arrest follows a three-week investigation by prosecutors after the Los Angeles Times reported Murphy’s past conviction and his recent film work, including casting both children and adults.

According to the Times, the then-19-year-old college student was convicted in Washington state in 1996 for molesting and later abducting an 8-year-old boy, whom he met as a camp counselor. He served five years in prison and underwent sex-offender counseling.

Murphy moved to California in 2005, underwent a required state evaluation and registered as a sex offender using his legal name.

IMDB lists Jason James as a casting associate for J.J. AbramsSuper 8, School of Rock and Cheaper by the Dozen 2, and Murphy was also involved in casting for upcoming comedy The Three Stooges.

He is due back in a Beverly Hills court January 18, facing felony charges that, if convicted, can place Murphy in a state prison for a maximum of three years.

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