Exclusive: James and Ola Jordan's incredible six stone weight loss transformation revealed

The professional dancers look fantastic

    HELLO!'s celebrity columnists James and Ola Jordan of fame have stunned fans by losing a huge six stone in weight between them and Ola dropping four dress sizes.

    MORE: James Jordan shows wife Ola in a 'tiny little number' following incredible body transformation

    Ola, 40, and James, 44, had previously shared their body woes with us, detailing their joint struggles to keep trim after welcoming their daughter Ella, age two. Their turning point came after Ola shared a holiday pool photo and opened up about their weight battle.

    Over the past five months, the professional dancers have completely changed their lifestyles, exercising at home five days a week with their new fitness programme, Dance Shred, and adopting a healthy eating plan.

    James's weight has dropped from 15 Stone 6 lbs to 12 Stone 7 lbs, with his waist size going from a size 36 to a 30 or 32 – that's a six-inch loss off his waist alone.

    Ola has lost 3 Stone 6 lbs, dropping from 11 Stone 9 lbs to 8 Stone 3 lbs. Previously a size 14, she is now a size six and has lost seven inches off her waist. In the first two weeks, they lost almost two stone between them!

    James and Ola now    Photo by David Venni

    James and Ola, you look incredible and so many parents will relate to your story. Tell us when you stopped exercising and why…

    James: It just kind of happened. We weren’t on Strictly anymore, we weren’t training like we used to and the pounds slowly started coming on.

    Ola: You relax a bit, don’t you? I put on a lot of weight during pregnancy and it was hard to drop it afterwards. Then we had the lockdowns…

    James: I definitely started comfort eating, especially when I stopped smoking at the end of 2019 – I replaced smoking with sweets and chocolate and crisps. I would say over about a four-year period, we started putting on a lot of weight. We suddenly went, ‘What the hell do we look like?’ I was nearly 16 stone, about 100 kilos at one point.

    During lockdown, we were watching all these people exercising but we were just at home eating chocolate and drinking wine.

    MORE: 'My little snow princess!’ James and Ola Jordan share cute snaps of toddler Ella

    You also had a baby to look after – did the exhaustion of new parenthood prevent you from exercising?

    James: No. I mean we were tired and obviously, I had the stress of my dad dying… It took me a long time to get over that. I’m not trying to make excuses; everyone deals with things differently and that’s how we dealt with it.

    Ola: And life changed as well. We couldn’t just go to the gym like we normally would – our life wasn’t about us anymore, we had this little baby now.

    James: We like exercising together. We always used to go to the gym together, so we chose not to go separately. It was unhealthy and we didn’t feel great. I couldn’t even do my shoelaces up without sitting down. That’s really worrying, isn’t it? I couldn’t lift my leg up!

    I was suffering from reflux, I had brain fog, and I’m sure that was due to the sugar and the amount of junk food we were eating. We were having takeaways probably three times a week, maybe more.

    Ola post-weight loss       Photo by David Venni

    Ola, how did you feel about yourself back then?

    Ola: I felt disgusting if I’m honest. We went on holiday to Tenerife in the summer and I didn’t want to be in photos. There are a few pictures of me and I look awful; I wore the baggiest clothes I could find. I wasn’t happy. I wanted to do something about it.

    I remember there were events that James went to but I didn’t have anything to wear – I didn’t like anything on me, so I didn’t want to go. That’s not the way to be, is it? That wasn’t me. I feel like I’ve got a bit of myself back now.

    Did you feel any pressure to get back to the size people knew you as from TV?

    Ola: Yeah, I suppose people would always say to me, 'Oh don’t worry you’ll snap back because you are a dancer.' A dancer or not, I’m still like everyone else – I still have to work as hard as everyone else.

    So yeah, there was a bit of pressure on social media but to be honest, most people were really supportive and said I looked so happy and content now I have Ella.

    The truth was, whilst I was overjoyed to be a mum, I was very unhappy with the way I looked and whilst I was smiling on the outside, I was struggling with my size.

    James since toning up       Photo by David Venni

    What made you change your ways?

    James: We got to a stage where we looked at each other and went, ‘Really?’ Ola always said she wanted to be one of the fit mums picking Ella up from school. But we weren’t – we were both fat, and I know that sounds really bad, but we were both very unhealthy.

    Ola: It was brewing for a long time. We both wanted it, but we didn’t have the balls to do something about it. Sometimes it just takes that person to be ready and decide to change their ways.

    I went to see my fertility doctor earlier this year to discuss if and when I might be able to try for another baby. They told me my chances would be greatly increased if I was a bit healthier, I knew at that point I needed to get fit and it was a real motivator for me. It was time to make a change.

    MORE: Why Strictly's James and Ola Jordan ditched mammoth four-storey mansion

    Let’s talk about the turning point when Ola posted the bikini photo on Instagram…

    Ola: The honest truth is that James went out to an event and I didn’t want to go because I didn’t like my outfits on me. That was the night. He went out and I sat there with a glass of wine and I thought, 'I’m really not happy.'

    That’s why I posted that picture. I thought maybe that would make me do something about it. I pretty much started exercising then. I changed my ways with my diet, and with working out.

    James: We changed our lifestyle. We started eating healthier and looked at how many calories we ate in a day. There are a certain amount of calories that you’re meant to eat – if you eat more than that, you’ll put on weight and if you eat less then you’ll lose weight. It’s not rocket science, but you have to dedicate yourself to it. And you can still eat nice food.

    View post on Instagram 

    How does your diet differ between now and then?

    James: Well, before, if we passed McDonald's we’d pop in for lunch. Not every night, but in the evenings, we’d have takeaways, whether it be Chinese or fish and chips.

    Ola: Sometimes we’d have fish and chips for lunch then curry for dinner.

    James: If we didn’t feel like cooking, we’d go down to the Beefeater. But we were eating a lot – it was portion size as well.

    Ola: And also the snacking in between. It doesn’t take long for me to put on weight. And I was also eating Ella’s food; while I was making a sandwich I was having a bite of it. The small bits add up, don’t they?

    James: We still enjoy what we eat. As long as you’re aware of how much you’re exercising and calorie counting… I’m not going to say it’s simple because it still takes dedication, but you can still enjoy your food.

    Ola still has a couple of glasses of Prosecco, and you can still lose weight. I enjoy eating healthier food more now that I’ve cut out all the junk food and sugar. I enjoy eating salmon fillets and broccoli.

    Ola: We’ll have an omelette for breakfast, for example. James actually learnt how to do an omelette – that’s the only thing he can cook.

    James: We wrote down the things we ate before and the things we eat now and you’d be surprised. Some days I was eating 4,000 to 5,000 calories.

    We worked with a dietician and she helped us a lot. Everyone knows a bit about nutrition don’t they, but when you speak to a proper dietician they’re another level. She explained the best times to eat, how many times to eat per day…

    Ola: And to be honest with you, we eat everything. I’m not cutting any food groups out. Nowadays you get all kinds of fad diets, but I’d say I eat everything.

    James: We used to eat dinner really late but now we eat at about 5 or 6pm. Before, we’d wait until Ella went to bed and we were eating at 9 or 10pm. That’s made a big difference as well.

    What time of day do you exercise and how often?

    Ola: We work out when Ella’s home in the afternoon, and then when she’s back from nursery we’ll do it in the evening.

    James: We exercise about five times a week with our new Dance Shred programme. The workouts combine dance with proper gym exercises exercises like walkouts, planks, burpees, ab workouts in between, and it’s all to music. It only takes 15 minutes.

    The workouts are fun and you’re learning a skill. You get taught the dance; you get taught the exercises. It’s the first thing we’ve done in many years that I really believe in. You all know I like a joke and everything, but this is really bloody good!

    James and Ola's new slimmer physiques            Photo by David Venni

    Your Dance Shred programme is out on Boxing Day…

    James: We always thought about doing a teaching DVD but it didn’t excite either of us. This does. I’m really passionate about it because I feel we’ve found something that’s unique. We’ve got over 60 years of dance experience between us. Anyone can do it and you can do it at home.

    Ola: And you can do it on your own so you don't need to feel self conscious, just got for it! It’s not partnered dancing. You’ve got Cha Cha Cha on there, Samba, Salsa, Disco…

    James: There are 12 weeks in the first plan and you get a dance each week. The first week it starts with Cha Cha basic, for example, then it gets more difficult as it goes on. The last one on that plan is Jive Advanced – and it’s a killer, even for us! I find it tough, and that’s good.

    The steps get more intricate, and the exercises get more difficult as well. With the exercises, we do a simple and more advanced version too.

    Have your energy levels improved?

    James: Yes, I feel much more alert and energetic now. I just feel much better.

    Ola: And for me, my skin is so nice now. I can definitely see a difference. I drink a lot more water now.

    Ola is back to her old size           Photo by David Venni

    What’s it been like putting on some of your older clothes that now fit again?

    Ola: I would say everything fits me now in my wardrobe. That’s amazing. There was a point in the summer when I couldn’t find anything to wear. It’s so nice to fit back into my dancing catsuits.

    We did two shows this December and I was able to fit in my dancing costumes again which felt so good. It’s just nice to be back to ourselves. We are not trying to be something we are not, we just wanted to get back to our old selves.

    James: And I even lifted you over my head again! That was a big moment, I haven't been able to lift her for years. Not only because she was heavier but because I had less power as I was out of shape.

    How has getting fit again affected you as a couple?

    James: I got in trouble last time I spoke about that! I still fancy her slimmer – is that bad of me to say that? I never loved her any less when she was bigger, I just fancy her more when she is trimmer.

    Ola: And I fancy him more when he is trimmer but I think you are not allowed to be honest about these things nowadays.

    James: I prefer my wife looking healthy. We were both clinically obese.

    Ola: I think partly as well, he means by me being happy. Like in the summer when I didn’t want to take a picture with Ella and I was in a frumpy old dress, he could see I wasn’t happy.

    James: I like you wearing nice clothes where your body is looking more healthy and athletic.

    Ola: But you’re not allowed to say it.

    James: But I do. I don’t care what other people say, so long as you understand where I'm coming from that's all that matters to me.

    Ola: I do because I feel the same - it’s nice to see James fit and healthy too, with a nice tummy.

    Ola and James pre-weight loss

    Do you feel like it’s sustainable, like it’s not going to go back on?

    Ola: Yeah. I feel like I can do this now.

    James: It’s like me with smoking. Once you get to a certain point, you’ve cracked it. That’s it. This is more of a lifestyle change. I’m not telling people to educate themselves on it, but we educated ourselves on it

    Ola: Sometimes you don’t realise. When you go to restaurants, things are so calorific. This is why people say it’s better to cook at home, and it is true because when you cook yourself, the calories are so much less.

    James: Something I found, I was going to London for a couple of months doing my PT course and I was having four hazelnut lattes a day, thinking I’m just drinking coffee with a little bit of flavour in it, and I was drinking something like 250 calories per coffee. So I was doing 1,000 calories just in coffee – and I’d been doing that for years.

    The dietician said: 'Don’t drink your calories, eat your calories'. Now I have decaf because it’s better on my gut. I have oat milk, decaf, sugar-free hazelnut latte and I’ll only have maybe one of them a day, so I’ve cut out 800 calories. That means I can eat more, which is great!

    What about snacks? Do you still get the urge to eat crisps in the evening?

    Ola: Yeah, James will still eat popcorn for example.

    James: Ella has these Polish breadsticks which are amazing. We still have a little bit of chocolate here and there or a biscuit.

    Ola: Yesterday we went out with friends and had some nice duck. They opened Quality Street and we had some of those.

    James: People think when you’re watching what you eat you can’t eat anything nice – that’s rubbish, you can, but as long as you know how many calories you’re eating.

    And that's why we've written up our diet plan as part of Dance Shred, so people can get all the support they need to stay on track and we know from experience that it really works. You've got to be able to sustain it and we are maintaining it now, so we can have a few more treats here and there.

    What’s your advice for other parents in the same situation – they want to lose weight but are finding it a struggle?

    Ola: I feel like there is a way out. I know that it is very hard to get out of that because you get stuck with your weight, and when you’re tired and put your baby to bed, you just want to sit down and have a bag of crisps and enjoy something, like a glass of wine. I get it’s hard.

    James: They’ll know when they’re ready, It's such a personal thing. It took us four years before we went, 'We’ve got to change'.

    Everyone loves chocolate – it tastes great. But I much prefer feeling the way I feel now over having that bag of crisps or chocolate. I was feeling so sluggish and foggy. I didn’t feel good. Now I feel alive again.

    Dietician Jo Travers says: "Weight loss is often quick at the beginning of a diet – if you follow it perfectly, particularly if you have a lot to lose.

    Ola’s BMI was higher than James’s so it was to be expected that she lost more than him.

    Also, they both stuck to the letter of the diet, which meant their bodies got all the carbs, protein and micronutrients they needed while allowing them to burn their fat stores.

    Weight loss often slows down after the initial quick losses and this happened to James and Ola too, but they stuck with it, kept following the plan and their weight kept coming down – albeit more gradually."

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