Behind the Scenes of The Three Stooges (Exclusive Photos)

Behind the Scenes of ‘The Three Stooges’ (Exclusive Photos)
  • Welcome to the Stooges

    Sean Hayes and Chris Diamontopoulos amuse themselves in the makeup trailer by mimicking exaggerated working-class British accents on the set of The Three Stooges in June 2011.

  • Before the Transformation

    Chris Diamantopoulos eats breakfast in the makeup trailer before undergoing his Moe transformation.

  • ‘Stooges’ Reflection

    Will Sasso points at himself in the mirror as co-star Chris Diamantopoulos looks on.

  • Hair Fun

    Chris Diamantopoulos and Will Sasso clown around in the makeup trailer, while Diamantopoulous gets into his costume.

  • Jane Lynch

    Jane Lynch's Mother Superior regalia is attended to by wardrobe supervisor Hope Slepak on a sunny day in the middle of summer.

  • ‘Stooges’ Trio

    Will Sasso watches as co-stars Sean Hayes and Chris Diamantopoulos as they Stooge-dance on the set of the 20th Century Fox comedy.

  • Farrelly and the Nuns

    Co-director Peter Farrelly finds himself in a bevy of nuns: model Kate Upton, Farrelly's high school classmate Robert Flaherty and his wife Sherry.

  • Moe Sees the Light

    Chris Diamantopoulos strikes a pose while in costume as Moe on the Stooges movie set.

  • Angry ‘Stooges’

    Sean Hayes and Chris Diamantopoulos glare at each other in Stooge fashion, as Will Sasso avoids getting sucked into a good-natured fight.

  • All in Good Fun

    Peter Farrelly uses producer Charles Wessler to demonstrate a slapstick punch as co-screenwriter Mike Cerrone and Bobby Farrelly watch.

  • Nuns Have a Laugh

    Kate Upton, Jennifer Hudson and Peter Farrelly's high school classmate Robert Flaherty raise their habits to cool off in the 90-plus degree summer Atlanta heat in between scenes, while Jane Lynch as Mother Superior of the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage stays cool.

  • Makeup Pro

    Sean Hayes holds up his hands to enable the makeup artist to match his face color to the rest of his body.

  • Harmonizing Brothers

    Sean Hayes, Chris Diamantopoulos and Will Sasso harmonize as they rehearse a goodbye song.

  • Express Yourself

    Will Sasso's dramatic bulldog expression is put to good use as his skull is touched up in the makeup trailer.

  • Farrellys Have a Laugh

    Co-directors Bobby and Peter Farrelly have a laugh on the set of The Three Stooges.

  • Wearing Multiple Hats

    Sean Hayes, Chris Diamantopoulos and Will Sasso put on their hats as they get ready to act when the cameras roll.

  • Three Stooges

    Sean Hayes, Will Sasso and Chris Diamantopoulos Stooge things up, "The Three Stooges," June 29, 2011

  • ‘Idol’ to the ‘Stooges’

    Jennifer Hudson fends off the Atlanta summer sun with an umbrella.

  • Teamwork

    Will Sasso, Sean Hayes and Chris Diamantopoulos react with alarm to a predicament while their bicycle — built for three — is steadied by props assistant Shawn Gray.

  • Taking a Break

    Chris Diamantopoulos, seated on a stunt bicycle, is pushed into position by utility stuntman Frank Torres.

  • On Their Way

    Will Sasso, Sean Hayes and Chris Diamantopoulos wait for their cue.


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